After 100 years of UK Manufacturing, you’d think you couldn’t teach on old dog new tricks. Given that we all operate in a global market place, the need to seek continuous improvement has become paramount.
There are many components to Lean Methods, but a great place to start is the production floor. Royde and Tucker utilizes many traditional manufacturing methods associated in the Architectural Hardware space. However, to start the journey of Lean manufacturing, watching how materials flow around the floor is a major 1st step. Since the middle of July 2024, a select management team have carried out a “Gemba Walk” looking at the working environment, safety, sustainability as well as the movement of materials across the floor. This approach is now repeated on a weekly basis to improve each week, the working environment, material management and flow through our operation.
The goal is to deliver both service, quality and improvements in the workplace environment.
This initiative is part of our Operational Excellence initiative.